
Jesse Moses: Dragonbelt

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Literature Text


Jesse Moses, martial arts student at Dojo-A-Gogo
Sensei Whitemin, teacher at Dojo-A-Gogo
Ninja Ned
Ninja Greg
Ninja Kyle
Scribbles, drug addict and drug "connoisseur"
Big Biggie, drug dealer
Ronin Romeo, gangster and leader of the ninjas

The three ninjas arrive at Dojo-A-Gogo intent on breaking in and
stealing a valuable sword.

Page 1

Panel 1:
Exterior shot of Dojo-A-Gogo, a run-down storefront in a stripmall.
It is the middle of the night.

Panel 2:
Ninja Ned waits in an alley for Ninja Greg to crawl through a side
window into the dojo.
Ned: "Hurry up!"
Greg: "I'm ninja-ing as fast as I can, Ned."

Panel 3:
Interior shot of the dojo, in darkness. Ned is silhouetted as he crawls
through the open window. Nothing else can be seen except the eyes of
the other ninjas.
Ned: "Aw man, I think I dropped my weed!"
Greg: "It smells like fat camp and soy sauce in here."
Kyle: "Shut up, you two! Ninjas are supposed to be silent but deadly, remember?"

Panel 4:
The three ninjas look up toward a katana on a decorative stand.
Kyle: "Gentlemen, our prize is before us."
Greg: "Ooh... shiny."
Ned: "I'm gonna cut so much coke with that thing."

Page 2

Panel 1:
Jesse Moses, top student at Dojo-A-Gogo, walks into the main room in his gi,
talking on a cellphone to his girlfriend.
Jessie: "Girl, you know how I do.
And when I do what I do how I do it, it stays done. Ya heard me?"
Girlfriend's voice: "What are you talking about?"

Panel 2:
Jesse reacts with shock at the sight of the missing sword.
Jesse: "I do the do, you know what I... ZOMG!"
Girlfriend's voice: "Did you just say 'zoh-emm-gee'?"

Panel 3:
The empty decorative stand is seen in background. Jesse frowns darkly
in foreground.
Jesse: "I'mma have to call you back, babe. This is SERIOUS BUSINESS."
Girlfriend's voice: "What? Did you just say 'This is... *CLICK*

Panel 4:
Jesse rushes to Sensei Whitemin's office to tell him the bad news.
Jesse: "Sensei! Sensei Whitemin! Someone stole the 1000 Claws of the
Sensei Whitemin: "The what?
Oh, yeah - the sword thing. Bummer."

Panel 5:
Jesse is frantic. Sensei Whitemin is not.
Jesse: "Do you know what this means?!"
Sensei: "Yeah- I'll have to open letters by hand from now on."
Jesse: "No! My Dragonbelt is worthless now! What good's a Dragonbelt
without a Dragonsword to draw its power from?"
Sensei: "Well, it holds up your pants, for one thing. Look on the bright side,
kid- at least they didn't steal our plasma screen!"

Page 3

Panel 1:
Jesse drops his right fist into his open palm, full of resolve.
Sensei is in background, reading a handful of letters.
Jesse: "To defend the honor of the dojo, I must retrieve the sword!"
Sensei: "Sure, whatever. Just pick up my dry cleaning while you're out."

Panel 2:
Jesse walks into the side alley next to the dojo, looking for clues.
Jesse: "The front door was locked, so they probably went around..."

Panel 3:
Closeup of a closed window with graffiti tags on it. Jesse runs his hand
along the windowsill.
Jesse: "Ah-ha! The paint from this graffiti is cracked along the window's
edge. Them fools musta' come through here."

Panel 4:
Jesse picks up a spilled bag of weed off of the ground.
Jesse: "Wacky Tobaccky! One of the fiends likely dropped it while making
their getaway. If I had a lab, I might be able to trace the drugs back to
their source.

Panel 5:
Jesse cocks an eyebrow.
Jesse: "Luckily, I got the next best thing."

Panel 6:
Jesse opens a door to a filthy, dilapidated room.
Jesse: "Scribbles! Where you at, man?"
Scribbles (offpanel): "Mmmghn... go away, Ghost Hunters. I'm alive.
I can prove it... shhhrrrm."

Page 4

Panel 1:
Scribbles awakes from a deep sleep, covered by piles of clothes and junk.
Jesse (offpanel): "Wake up, Scribbles! It's noon!"
Scribbles: "You can't be here without a warrant! I watch C.S.I.!
I know stuff! Joseph?"
Jesse: "Jesse."

Panel 2:
Jesse stands over Scribbles as he sits up, rubbing his face.
Scribbles: "Whatchu' here fo'? Poppers? Droppers? Uppers and downers? I'm
runnin' a special on Screamin' Meamies."
Jesse: "Actually, I'm here to get your expert opinion on something."

Panel 3:
Scribbles looks up. Jesse holds the bag of weed at him.
Scribbles: "You know, I'm not a registered pharmacologist per say... I'm
more of a home-schooled situation."
Jesse: "School yourself on this."

Panel 5:
Scribbles pours some of the bag's contents into his hand.
Scribbles: "Hm. I'd say it's weed."
Jesse (offpanel): "I'd say 'Duh.'"

Panel 6:
Scribbles holds his hand up to his mouth and licks some of the weed.
Jesse (offpanel): "That was on the ground!"
Scribbles: "Hints of blueberry. It's fresh. Like, just-picked fresh.
Traces of juniper and thyme. That means locally grown. And just a
smidge of... charcoal?"

Page 5

Panel 1:
Scribbles looks down at his hand casually.
Scribbles: "Nope, that's a cigarette butt."
Jesse: "Can you tell who sold it?"
Scribbles: "Well, there is a slight discoloration. Sorta... a blueish...
no, I'd say this was more aquamarine, wouldn't-"

Panel 2:
Scribbles suddenly jumps up and pushes Jesse towards the door.
Scribbles: "Nope, it's too vague. Coulda' come from anywhere.
Sorry I couldn't help. Haveaniceday BYE!"
Jesse: "But... the color?"
Scribbles: "Wrong. I was wrong. Bad lighting in here. My glassy's are
foggy. The sun was in my eyes."

Panel 3:
Jesse goes into a martial-arts pose. Scribbles puts his hands up defensively.
Jesse: "You know who's weed this is, don't you?"
Scribbles: "If I did, and I told, I'd be dead- and then I wouldn't know
anymore... so it's a moot point, really, when you think about it."
Jesse: "No one knows I came here. No one has to know."

Panel 4:
Scribbles is clearly panicing.
Scribbles: "But you did come here. The universe knows, man. And some people
can read the signs. Probability. There's only so many people who could have
told you."
Jesse: "So if I just started beating up every drug dealer in the city- when
I got to the one who sold that weed, he'd assume you told me anyway, right?"

Panel 5:
Jesse looks knowingly at Scribbles, as he tries to work out the scenario
in his head.
Jesse: "By your logic, I mean. You're screwed either way, RIGHT?"
Scribbles: "Big Biggie. He processes the weed in an old printshop- leaves a

bluish tinge. You just- you gotta take him down, okay?. Make sure he doesn't
come after me."
Jesse: "You're a drug dealer, Scribbles. Like I care what happens to you."

Page 6

Panel 1:
Jesse, who now has sunglasses on for reasons of coolness, walks out of
Scribble's crumbling tenement building as Scribbles wails behind him.
Scribbles (offpanel): "Jesse? JESSSSSSSSSSE!!!"

Panel 2:
Textbox: LATER
Jesse walks up to a muscular bouncer outside an apartment building.
Bouncer: "Appointment?"

Panel 3:
Jesse stands face-to-chest with the enormous bouncer.
Jesse: "I need to rap with Big Biggie about one of his clients.
Bouncer: "Mr. Big sees no one without an appointment."
Jesse: "So this IS his place? Thanks."

Panel 4:
Interior of Big Biggie's apartment. Biggie sits on a couch, casually
counting stacks of cash with a revolver on the table in front of him.
From outside, Jesse can be heard fighting the bouncer.
Bouncer (offpanel): "No, wait! I need that to live! Arrgh!"

Panel 5:
Biggie picks up the gun and points it at the door as Jesse enters.
Jesse: "Somebody should call a ambulance."
Biggie: "I have a doctor onsite. Descretion is the heart of my business.
What do you want?"

Page 7

Panel 1:
Jesse folds his arms over his chest.
Jesse: "I got no beef with you."
Biggie: "Tell that to Cedric."
Jesse: "He was in my way. I removed him.
All I want is some info on a client of yours."

Panel 2:
Biggie cocks an eyebrow, still pointing the gun.
Biggie: "You thick? As I just told you: I'm discrete."
Jesse: "But you ain't stupid. I just took out your bodyguard,
and I could easily take that gun from you."
Biggie: "That so?"

Panel 3:
Jesse doesn't blink.
Jesse: "You know it. I just want the name of a customer who stole
something from me."
Biggie: "And then you leave?"
Jesse: "Just like that."

Panel 4:
Closeup on Biggie as he cocks the gun.
Biggie: "Counter-offer."
Sound effects: KLIK. creeeeeeaak.

Panel 5:
The creaking sound in the last panel was a back door swinging open.
At that moment, all three ninjas enter the room. Ned is carrying the sword.
Ned: "Yo, Biggie! I need some mo' weed! I dropped mine while we were
burglarizing that dojo on 43rd and Park last night at 11:37 in the..."

Page 8

Panel 1:
Jesse goes into a badass full-body kung fu pose.

Panel 2:
The ninjas bolt out the back door. Ned shouts over his shoulder.
Ned: "You can't prove NOTHING!"

Panel 3:
The ninjas spill out into the street. Jesse follows.
Ned: "Wait, why am I runnin'? I got a sword!"

Panel 4:
Ned slashes at Jesse while Jesse deftly dodges.
Jesse: "Fool, I'm a Dragonbelt!"
Ned: "I don't think that's a thing."

Panel 5:
Ninja Kyle and Ninja Greg both attempt to punch Jesse, and are deflected.
Kyle: "Yeah, shouldn't you be a black belt or something?"
Greg: "Dude, that's racist!"

Page 9

Panel 1:
Ned swings the sword wildly.
Ned: "Stand still! This is only gonna hurt A LOT!"

Panel 2:
Jesse holds up his hands in one of those cool martial arts stances.
Jesse: "Give me the sword."
Ned (offpanel): "Bad choice of words!"

Panel 3:
Ned swings the sword down to the ground, showering Jesse with sparks.
Meanwhile, Jesse fends off the other two ninjas simultaneously.

Panel 4:
Ninja Greg blocks a blow with his forearm.
Greg: "Resistance is... what's that word? Futon!"

Panel 5:
Ninja Kyle blocks a punch by crossing both arms in front of his face.
Kyle: "I think it's time for a new strategy..."

Page 10

Panel 1:
(extrawide panel) The ninjas, seen from ground-level in mid-action, bolt.
Ninjas: "RUN AWAAAAY!"

Panel 2:
Jesse, looking down, grabs a trashcan lid.

Panel 3:
Jesse hurls the lid mightily.

Panel 4:
The lid connects with the back of Kyle's head.

Panel 5:
Jesse's feet and shadow can be seen over Kyle's face-down body.

Page 11

Panel 1:
Jesse grabs Kyle's head by his ninja mask and pulls him upright.
Jesse: "Who do you work for? Where are they taking the sword?"
Kyle: "Yo mama, and straight up yo"

Panel 2:
Jesse punches him to the ground.
Sound effect: Ka-THWAM!

Panel 3:
Kyle pushes himself up.
Kyle: "I ain't no snitch!"
Jesse (offpanel): "No..."

Panel 4:
Jesse pulls off Kyle's mask and snaps a photo with his cell phone.
(Kyle's back is towards the viewer)
Jesse: "I'm gonna make you a celebrity!"

Panel 5:
Jesse (foreground) types on his phone's keypad. Kyle (background, blurry)
reaches towards him desperately.
Jesse: "Youtube, here I come."
Kyle: "Noooo! My street cred!"

Panel 6:
Jesse stands up, triumphant.
Kyle: "Stop! Don't post! They're taking it to the brothel on Rhode Street."
Jesse: "Ronin Romeo's brothel? ISH JUST GOT REAL."
Kyle: "Did you just say 'ish'?"

Panel 7:
Jesse's foot knocks Kyle unconscious.

Page 12

Panel 1:
A shot of Ronin Romeo's crumbling brothel.

Panel 2:
Jesse walks up to the shabby old house.
A doorman talks to him through the door.
Doorman: "Whaddya want?"
Jesse: "*Ahem* I'm, uh, here to have the sex. With a lady.
In exchange for money... which I have."

Panel 3:
Jesse steps cautiously through the opening door.

Panel 4:
The unseen doorman points Jesse towards debauchery.
Doorman (offpanel): "Feel free to browse."
Jesse: "...Right.
I am going to enjoy the sex I will be having!"

Panel 5:
Jesse pauses in front of an open doorway. The contents of the room
are entirely blocked by a black CENSORED box.

Panel 6:
Jesse makes his way to a back door labeled EMPLOYEES ONLY. He looks
cautiously to the side as he nudges it open.

Page 13

Panel 1:
Jesse starts to ascend a set of stairs behind the door, looking over
his shoulder to make sure he is not followed.

Panel 2:
Jesse suddenly bumps into Sensei Whitemin, who is counting a wad of cash.

Panel 3:
Jesse is stunned.
Jesse: "S-Sensai Whitemin? What're you doin' here?"
Sensei: "I'm... uh... what do you think I'm doing? I'm doing chicks! Yeah,
and I was just counting this money... from my wallet... to make sure none
of them nicked any
Jesse: "But WHY?"

Panel 4:
Jesse begs for an explanation.
Jesse: "That sword is your heritage! It's a gift from your ancestors! It gives
my Dragonbelt its power!"
Sensei: "Oh would you shut up about the- the Dragonbelt is a bunch of bullcrap!
It's a marketing gimmick I came up with to steal students from Nguyen's
Laundromat and Self-Defense School! And I'm only like one-sixteenth Japanese."
Jesse: "Gasp!"

Panel 5:
Sensei Whitemin continues to rave at Jesse.
Sensei: "It's all a sham, kid! You're only my best student because you're
practically my only student! Dojo-A-Gogo is gogoing down the drain, so I helped
Romeo steal the sword so I could get his money and the sword insurance. Now
outta my way!"

Panel 6:
Jesse refuses to let him pass.
Sensei: "And where's my dry cleaning? Oh, you thought I forgot about that-
huh, punk?"
Jesse: "You have brought dishonor upon your house."
Sensei: "I'm gonna bring my fist upon your face!"

Page 14

Sensei and Jesse battle, hand-to-hand. Jesse manages to dodge all the blows,
and finally backhands Sensei unconscious. He opens the door at the top
of the stairs.

Page 15

Panel 1:
Ronin Romeo sits in a throne, Ninjas Ned and Greg behind him. The sword hangs
on the wall above his head.
Jesse (offpanel): "I've come for the 1000 Claws of the Tiger-Eagle-Dragonsword,
Romeo. And I must warn you..."

Panel 2:
Jesse bares his fists of fury.
Jesse: "I'm an Nth level Dragonbelt."

Panel 3:
Romeo sneers.
Romeo: "Yeah... that's not a thing. Trust me. I'm Asian."
Jessie (offpanel): "You ain't nothin' but a two-bit pimp."

Panel 4:
Ninja Greg stands up in the background. Romeo (foreground) ignores him.
Greg: "Dannng, holmes. You gonna let him say dat, ese?"
Romeo: "Greg, we've talked about this. You're not hispanic. You're like
the least hispanic guy I know. You're antispanic."

Panel 5:
Romeo points defiantly at Jesse.
Romeo: "That's right, I am a pimp. Best pimp in the Tri-State Area, two
years running! I'm so hip, I break when old ladies fall down. I'm so fly,
every time with me counts as joining the Mile High Club! And your so-called
skills meaning nothing to me, you know why?"

Panel 6:
Closeup of Romeo's hand, holding a gun.
Romeo: "Because I own a gun. Kung-fu THIS, motha-"

Page 16

Panel 1:
Jesse whips his hand forward, throwing some shurikens at Romeo.
Jesse: "I choose YOU, shuriken!"

Panel 2:
The shurikens cause the gun to fly into the air, along with a trail of blood.

Panel 3:
Romeo clenches his fists in rage.
Romeo: "Fine! I'll tear you apart with my bare hands!"

Panel 4:
Romeo punches Jesse with brutal force.

Panel 5:
Ninjas Greg and Ned watch on the sidelines.
Ned: "Dude, that shuriken thing was awesome!"
Greg: "Yeah, he was all Fwoosh! And they were all wshh! wshh!
No gun for you!"

Pages 17 and 18

The battle rages on. Eventually, Jesse is triumphant.

Page 19

Panel 1:
Jesse stands over Romeo's body.

Panel 2:
Jesse takes the sword.

Panel 3:
Ned cowers in fear.
Ned: "Dannng! Who are you, man?"

Panel 4:
Jesse puts on sunglasses for no reason.
Jesse: "I'm Jesse Moses, Dragonbelt."

Panel 5:
Jesse walks off. Ned and Greg watch in the foreground.
Ned: "That was dramatic. Well, what do we do now?"
Greg: "Find a new boss, I guess. But first: snow cones!"
Ned: "Yay!"
Script for an upcoming kung fu comedy photocomic.
© 2011 - 2024 masochisticcannibal
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PsionVisionary's avatar
Nice one Chris.